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Trills in the Morning . . .

The excitement begins as you depart school and travel to the festival performance site, conveniently located near one of the country’s top amusement parks. Upon arrival at the venue, you check in with the festival staff and present them with two original scores of each selection to be performed. At this time, you will receive park tickets along with final instructions regarding warm up and performance details. As the performance begins, the Adjudicators provide each ensemble with a running evaluation with recorded comments. Trills & Thrills’ Adjudicators are comprised of former music educators familiar with the abilities of school-aged musicians. At the conclusion, Adjudicators begin their written comments, which provide additional feedback and will be used to determine the group’s numerical rating.

. . . Thrills in the Afternoon . . .

Upon completion of your performance, scores are tabulated and the award plaque and rating ribbon will be presented to you prior to departing the festival venue. A sigh of relief as the tough part is behind you and you continue on to the park for a fun-filled afternoon. At the park, you and your students are rewarded with an uninterrupted day to enjoy the rides, games and attractions. A pleasant conclusion to the festival experience and a memorable culmination of all of the hours and effort invested by you and your students!

. . . Rewards All Year Long

Trills & Thrills’ exciting festival atmosphere provides just the right mix of music education, social interaction and fun. This unique opportunity will motivate each student for months before, and after, the festival. The lesson continues beyond the festival as our Adjudicators have reinforced the high musical standards that you strive to instill back in the classroom. And the memories will last a lifetime!

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