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On the Day of Your Festival


Uniforms are not required at Trills & Thrills festivals. The attire of the group is left up to the discretion of each Director and will not be factored into the Adjudicators' ratings. Please be advised, however, that changing facilities are not available at any of our performance sites.


With rare exception, amusement parks are open rain or shine. Therefore, the festival will not be postponed, or cancelled, due to weather. During periods of inclement weather, parks may temporarily close some, or all, of their rides for safety reasons. This does not constitute grounds for a rain check or refund. Group tickets issued to Trills & Thrills are subject to the terms and conditions set by the individual park. Some tickets are valid for the park's entire operating season. At some parks, tickets are valid only the day, or days, of the Trills & Thrills festival(s). These policies are set by each park, NOT by Trills & Thrills. If the park is open on the day of your festival and you decide not to visit the park for any reason, you will not receive a refund.

Arrival at the Performance Site

Plan on arriving at the performance site 30 minutes PRIOR to your scheduled warm-up time. Have your students remain on the busses while your representative proceeds inside for check-in. Once instructed, unload busses and move students into the building. At most sites, schools arriving early may have an opportunity to listen to other performing groups. Please check this with your Site Director.

Late Arrivals

Performance schedules will not be amended to accommodate schools arrrivng late. If you miss your scheduled performance time, you must wait until the last group has performed.

Stage Set-Up

Trills & Thrills Music Festivals does not use seating charts. Stage will be pre-set with chairs and music stands in several concentric half-circles and large percussion in the back. It is the responsibility of performing school to make any changes to the set-up that they deem necessary. Any special stage set-up (and break down) must take place within the allotted 20-minute performance time. Trills & Thrills' host sites do not supply staffing for this purpose.

Adjudicators' Scores/Comments

Each performing group is required to provide two original conductor's scores for each selection for the Adjudicators. These should be presented upon check-in. Please place the scores in an envelope for each Adjudicator and label each envelope with the School Name, Director's Name, and the type of group (example: Concert Band, Concert Choir, etc.). At the conclusion of the performance, these will be returned to you along with the Adjudicators' written comments. We recommend that each school delegates a representative to be responsible for delivering and collecting these materials.

Equipment and Case Storage

Storage space for equipment and instrument cases is not available at the performance site. Warm-up rooms must be left empty when vacated by the group. Instrumental groups are requested to leave cases on the bus and carry their instruments into the performance site.

Festival Etiquette

Many of the festival venues used by Trills & Thrills are concurrently being used by students and faculty. Please inform your students that they are NOT to wander around the building and that excessive noise will not be tolerated. No one will be allowed in or out of the performance area during performances. There should be no talking, as if they were attending a concert. If there is a need to leave the performance area, remind them to do so quietly and only in between groups. Trills & Thrills' Site Directors reserve the right to request groups leave the performance site if they are unable to exercise appropriate behavior.

Role of Chaperones

Trills & Thrills extends a generous number of chaperones to participate in our festivals on a complimentary basis. In return, we respectfully request that chaperones be responsible for the active enforcement of all rules, policies and procedures instituted by Trills & Thrills and our Site Directors including, but not limited to, assisting with the swift and efficient movement of students through the performance venue and insuring that students maintain a high level of behavior and decorum.


Trills & Thrills festivals are not open to the public. At some locations, however, we do allow spectators. Spectators are defined as festival participants, friends and family members that drive separately to the performance site, and do not travel on the school-sponsored transportation. Check with Trills & Thrills, or local Site Director, to determine whether spectators are allowed at the festival in which you are participating.

Park Tickets

Park tickets will be distributed at the performance site. A representative from each school will be asked to confirm the number of tickets being received and sign a Ticket Confirmation Sheet. Reductions in group size are not accepted on the day of the festival and refunds will not be issued for unused park tickets. Please do not return unused admission tickets to Trills & Thrills or to the amusement park.

Drivers' Ticket and Parking

Many amusement parks admit school bus and motorcoach Drivers to the park for free by just showing their CDL (Commercial Driver's License). Any parking fees for busses and motorcoaches at the park are the responsibility of the school and are not included in the cost of the festival. Each park's policy related to Drivers' admission and parking can be found on the Festival Fact Sheet provided by Trills & Thrills.

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