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Host a Trills & Thrills Festival

Becoming a Trills & Thrills Site Director and hosting a festival can be an effective fundraiser for you, your school and your music program.

To be considered for a Site Director position, you must be able to provide AT MINIMUM:

  1. A school or performance venue within 30 minutes of the amusement park
  2. An auditorium (preferred) or multi-function room with the capacity to accommodate a large orchestra (up to 100 pieces)
  3. Access to the facility on the day of the festival from approximately 7:30 am to 1:00 pm, depending on the number of groups registered.
  4. An adequate number of chairs and music stands in performance area
  5. Separate warm-up room with chairs
  6. Sufficient parking for motorcoaches/school busses at performance site
  7. Basic concert percussion equipment (timpani, xylophone, bass drum and chimes)
  8. Acoustic piano (tuned)
  9. Choral risers or tiered stage for choral groups
  10. Easy access to electrical outlets in performance area

    and preferably:
    Piano in warm-up room, microphones, Director's podium, snare drums, bongos, congas, temple blocks, bell tree, vibraphone, bell set, marimba, CD player and tape player

Site Director's responsibilities include:

  1. Securing a suitable performance site for the scheduled festival dates
  2. Locating and hiring adjudicators with strong backgrounds in music education
  3. Creating the performance schedule for your festival
  4. Communicating with Directors from schools registered (performing schedules, directions to your performance site, available equipment at your site, etc.)
  5. Securing sufficient adult and student staff to assist on the day of the festival
  6. Executing a professional, well-run festival that you would be proud to take your own students to

If you would like more information on becoming a Trills & Thrills Site Director, contact Greg Dennis at (888) 487-4557, or via email at info@trillsandthrills.com.

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